snowboard width size chart - snowboard size chart

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snowboard width chart for boot size and back binding angle

1 Know your US boot size and back binding angle.

2 Look for the minimum snowboard waist width for your boot size and back binding angle.

3 Adjust accordingly:   park 0   |   beginner 0   |   All mountain +2mm   |   pipe +3mm   |   carve/race +5mm

Maximum waist width for beginners  The one correspondent to your boot size with the back binding at 0 (zero) degrees. Or just stay within the range in white, from 0 to 15 degrees. Remember, a narrower snowboard is easier to control at first.

Maximum waist width for intermediate/advanced snowboardes Until 1,5cm (15mm) wider than the minimum waist width for your boot size and back binding angle. Think twice before buying a snowboard any wider than that without trying it first. This if you can find one, production snowboards tend to stay within that range.

note: If you want a snowboard in a size (length) but it has a smaller waist width than the minimum suggested in the chart for your boot size and back binding angle, look for a wide version (with a W after the length, like 154W). You may need to round the chosen size because there are not wide versions for every snowboard size.
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